☀️Let’s Vote! Check Out My Endorsements.☀️

Erin Palmer
18 min readOct 18, 2024


Let’s uplift our communities with compassionate leadership — discover the issues and candidates that will make a difference!

Erin Palmer endorses Initiative 83 — vote YES on ranked choice voting and opening primaries to independents. “By supporting Initiative 83, we are not just advocating for a new voting system, we are endorsing a future where more voices are heard and represented.”


It’s election season in DC and nationwide, and I’m so excited to cast my ballot. 🗳️Not only are we going to elect Kamala Harris as President of the United States, I am excited to vote for my Ward 4 Councilmember, Janeese Lewis George, and to vote YES on Initiative 83, bringing ranked choice voting to DC and allowing independents to vote in primary elections in DC.

But that’s not all. In DC, we’re also electing our Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners一our most hyper-local elected officials. I’m continuing to support candidates who would bring new energy and vision to the role as first-time Commissioners, those in competitive races with a clear choice, and those dedicated to uplifting underserved communities and meeting basic needs as rights. I’m particularly excited to highlight so many strong, intelligent women candidates, who continue to face many barriers in running and serving. Even though DC residents vote at the neighborhood level for Commissioners, I think it’s important to support and follow these amazing candidates and all they will accomplish by bringing compassion to our local government.

Read below about why I’m supporting Initiative 83; Renée Moore, ANC 8A01; Jamila White, ANC 8A05; Robin McKinney, ANC 8A06; Takema Keyes, ANC 8B01; Rev. Wendy Hamilton, ANC 8D06; Markita Bryant, ANC 6/8F02; Patricia Stamper, ANC 7C06; Dev Myers, ANC 7D10; Natasha Dupee, ANC 7E04; Shameka Hayes, ANC 7F08; Daniela Kelley McInerney, ANC 6C05; Mónica Martínez López, ANC 5B05; Zahid Rathore, ANC 5B07; Charquinta McCray, ANC 5D06; Emma Treat, ANC 4D07; Jenn Kauffman, ANC 4D08; Nancy Groth, ANC 2C02; Howard Garrett, ANC 2G01; and J. Swiderski, ANC 1B03. And make sure to donate to and support their campaigns!

Initiative 83🍒: Let’s engage more voters and encourage coalition-building!

Initiative 83 is a step toward expanding and improving democracy in DC by introducing ranked choice voting for local races and opening local primaries to independent voters. Both will enhance our local races by encouraging more diverse candidates and engaging more residents.

Ranked choice voting has already been successfully implemented in places like Takoma Park, Maryland and Arlington, Virginia. It allows voters to rank their favorite candidates, ensuring that winning candidates receive support from a majority of voters. Ranked choice voting not only helps elect more diverse candidates, including women and people of color, but also encourages politicians to build broad coalitions across different communities. By requiring candidates to appeal to a wider swathe of the electorate, ranked choice voting fosters a political culture that values collaboration, ultimately leading to a more representative government.

As someone who has campaigned citywide and serves as a nonpartisan Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner who talks to and engages all residents, I also support opening our local primaries to independent voters. I have had the privilege of engaging with many independent voters — at least some of whom are disillusioned with the Democratic Party due to various issues, including criticisms related to genocide in Gaza. These critiques are valuable and reflect a broader desire for political accountability and responsiveness. Opening primaries to independents, particularly in our largely one-party city, would bring these voices to the table, allowing for richer dialogue and greater representation in our electoral system. The insights gained from hearing diverse perspectives are immeasurable, as they can shape policies that better reflect the needs and desires of our communities.

I have been particularly troubled by the responses of some DC Democratic Party leaders to Initiative 83, revealing a troubling commitment to preserving political power over fostering a more inclusive democracy. Recent controversies, including one Councilmember’s efforts to inappropriately pressure the Board of Elections to keep the Initiative off the ballot and a Democratic Party mailer listing many Party leaders as opposed to the Initiative who are in fact supportive, as well as the insistence that residents are too ignorant to understand these clear and common reforms (when our current system is already confusing and in need of additional voter education and engagement), reveal that opposition is rooted in further tilting the scales toward incumbents, holding onto power to the exclusion of new voices, and limiting accountability.

By supporting Initiative 83, we are not just advocating for a new voting system; we are endorsing a future where more voices are heard and represented. Ranked choice voting offers a chance to break free from the constraints of strategic voting and negative campaigning, allowing voters to express their true preferences without fear of wasting their vote. And allowing independents to vote in our primary elections engages more voters and better ensures accountability.

It’s time to unite behind a vision that prioritizes the collective voice of the community over the interests of a few entrenched politicians. Let’s work together to build a more inclusive democracy in DC that reflects the diverse perspectives of all our residents. If you’re voting by paper ballot, flip your ballot over, and vote YES on Initiative 83. 🍒

You can read more on my views in support of ranked choice voting here and other democracy reforms here and here.

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners. Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners are your nonpartisan, neighborhood-level elected representatives. They are true public servants. As a current Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner, I know the value of a good Commissioner in building community, working as a collaborative member of a deliberative body, and advocating for neighborhood and citywide needs. Commissioners have challenged the limits of serving in an advisory role by building citywide coalitions to advocate for neighbors and push for agency accountability. Commissioners with vision both tackle small-scale challenges in their communities and use their neighborhood-level knowledge to take on citywide challenges.

I’m proud to endorse the following candidates for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner.

Renée Moore, ANC 8A01 (write-in candidate) (she/her)

Website: www.reneemoore4anc.com

Twitter/Instagram: @ReneeMoore4ANC

Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/supportreneemoore

Renée is a dedicated advocate who understands housing is a basic right with far-reaching impacts. As someone who works in the Vision Zero Office in DC, she knows that traffic safety goes beyond bike lanes, enforcement, and road redesign, also requiring action on homelessness, drug use, and mental health. She would push for more robust public transportation, including a flat fare and 24/7 service to better support workers with non-traditional hours. With experience as a chemistry teacher, nonprofit professional, and city government employee, Renée is committed to empowering her community to access essential resources and advocate for their needs, embodying the values of public service, accountability, and compassion. Write in Renée Moore for ANC 8A01.

Commissioner Jamila White, ANC 8A05 (she/her)

Website: jamilawhite.org

Instagram: @jamilawhitedc

Learn More here.

Jamila is a passionate and dedicated advocate for her neighbors in Ward 8, deeply rooted in the legacy of powerful trailblazing women who came before her. She prioritizes racial equity, community empowerment, and the voices of local residents in decisionmaking processes, and I’ve seen her efforts first-hand in the meetings, events, and activism that Jamila leads. Jamila envisions a prosperous and connected community where every resident thrives, making her an essential leader for her community. Her integrity, compassion, and innovative spirit make her the ideal representative to advocate for the needs and aspirations of her neighbors. Jamila’s compassionate leadership on all issues, including community safety, makes her the right choice in this competitive race.

Commissioner Robin McKinney, ANC 8A06 (she/her)

Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/robin8a06

Read More here.

Robin McKinney is a lifelong Washingtonian with essential lived experience who is dedicated to being the change her community needs. As a Commissioner, she focuses on promoting accessible high-quality education, supporting traffic safety infrastructure, and fostering community unity to bridge social gaps. Having faced challenges, including homelessness, Robin now stands as a proud homeowner, committed to ensuring her family and other families thrive in a supportive environment. She invites her neighbors in Ward 8 to join her in preserving the rich history of Anacostia while paving the way for a brighter future. Robin’s voice is needed on her Commission, making her the right choice in this competitive race.

Takema Keyes, ANC 8B01 (she/her)

Twitter/Facebook/Instagram: @takemakeyes

Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/takemakeyes

Takema is kind, compassionate, and dedicated to bringing pride to Ward 8. She has a graduate degree in social work from Howard University and professional experience in public policy. Takema is a public servant at heart, having worked to alleviate food insecurity in Ward 8 through her service project — Nourish and Flourish. Takema plans to advocate for affordable housing to meet needs, recreational and mentorship opportunities for our youth, and environmental justice, including through access to healthy food. I was proud to endorse Takema last election cycle, and I’m honored to endorse her again. I can’t wait to see her serve!

Commissioner Wendy Hamilton, ANC 8D06 (she/her)

Twitter: @revwendy3; @ANC8D06

Reverend Wendy Hamilton is deeply committed to engaging with residents in the Bellevue neighborhood of Ward 8, ensuring neighbors receive the resources they deserve. Rev. Wendy aims to build on the progress she’s made in holding agency heads and DC Council leadership accountable for budget allocations and service response times. She is a fierce advocate, fighting for essential community amenities, including a grocery store, gathering spaces, and restaurants. I’ve seen her engage with her neighbors, and she is sincere and speaks with moral clarity. Her dedication to fostering investment in Bellevue reflects her deep commitment to making the neighborhood a thriving place for all its residents. Rev. Wendy’s moral clarity and dedication make her the right choice in this competitive race.

Markita Bryant, ANC 6/8F02 (she/her)

Website: www.markitabryantdc.com

Twitter/Instagram: @markitabryantdc

Donate: https://www.markitabryantdc.com/contribute

Markita Bryant is committed to an inclusive and empowered community where every voice is heard and valued. With a focus on urgent issues like housing, equity in education, safer streets, and transparent governance, Markita is a collaborator and an open communicator. A proud homeowner and mom, born and raised in Ward 8, her extensive experience in public service has equipped her with essential skills in effective communication and leadership, underscoring her commitment to improving government services for all neighbors. She has a history of advocating for better public schools in DC and supporting Black women leaders across the city as they improve their communities. Markita’s dedication to the local community make her the right choice in this three-way competitive race.

Commissioner Patricia Stamper, ANC 7C06 (she/her)

Twitter/Instagram: @Stamper4DC

Learn More here.

Patricia gives of herself and is deeply invested in the Ward 7 Deanwood/Burrville community. She is focused on improving infrastructure, providing more opportunities for youth, and fighting for environmental justice. Patricia understands the challenges faced by communities with insufficient access to resources like public transportation, and she is dedicated to fighting for more and better for her neighbors. Living in Ward 7, where amenities are limited, Patricia understands the challenges of accessing resources and is passionate about advocating for the support families need to thrive. Patricia’s love of and dedication to her community have earned her another term, and she is the right choice in this competitive race.

Dev Myers, ANC 7D10 (he/him)

Website: devmyersfordc.com

Twitter/Instagram: @devMmyers

Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/dev-myers-1

Dev is a kind and considerate leader skilled at listening to and amplifying the needs of his community. He has served as a teacher and mentor, supporting children and families, and has been active with the DC Young Democrats, the Ward 7 Education Council, and EmpowerEd. Dev pledges to maintain a strong presence, ensuring that community needs are met, making sure the Boys and Girls Club redevelopment is community serving, and advocating for safe streets and neighborhoods. He is dedicated to working to ensure that economic development projects, including Reservation 13, benefit all residents and amplify community voices. I was proud to endorse Dev last election cycle, and I’m honored to endorse him again. I can’t wait to see him serve!

Commissioner Natasha Dupee, ANC 7E04 (she/her)

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/DupeeforDC

Twitter/Instagram: @DupeeforDC

Donate: https://tinyurl.com/DupeeforDCDonation

Natasha is an astute leader who skillfully navigates the DC government to support her community. Since 2020, she has been working on the Fletcher Johnson at the Park Development, one of the largest development opportunities in her neighborhood, successfully advancing resolutions to direct $42 million to support the project while pushing for zoning changes that will enhance housing, retail, recreational spaces, and health care access. Natasha regularly engages with city agencies to submit service requests and fosters connections with neighbors through resource fairs, community meetings, and clean-up events. Her commitment to collaboration and improvement truly reflects her passion for making her community a better place for everyone. Natasha will continue to get good things done, and she is the right choice in this competitive race.

Commissioner Shameka Hayes, ANC 7F08 (she/her)

Learn More here.

Shameka is committed to elevating the voices of the often-overlooked residents at the DC Jail and Harriet Tubman Women’s Shelter. Elected as the first female Commissioner for this seat in December 2023, she has spent the past year collaborating with government agencies and advocacy groups to negotiate humane conditions and influence public policy. Raised in Ward 6’s James Creek neighborhood and having served as a Correctional Treatment Facility Resident mentor, Shameka is dedicated to communication and community engagement, ensuring that the needs of her community are met and represented. Shameka’s dedication and hard work make her the right choice in this competitive race.

Daniela Kelley McInerney, ANC 6C05 (she/her)

Learn More here.

Daniela is a dedicated community member and mother deeply invested in building lasting roots in Ward 6. Daniela will actively advocate for traffic safety infrastructure and increased housing density in her neighborhood, which includes the vibrant H Street Corridor known for its rich arts and food scene. She believes in the power of local government to create tangible improvements in our daily lives and is committed to listening to residents on key issues like affordable housing, transportation, community safety, and green spaces. With a genuine appreciation for the role of commissioner, she is eager to represent her community, ensuring that every voice is heard. I can’t wait to see Daniela serve!

Mónica Martínez López, ANC 5B05 (she/her)

Twitter/Facebook/Instagram: @MonicaforANC

Donate: https://account.venmo.com/u/monica4ANC

Mónica is a passionate advocate for a truly progressive DC, believing in the potential for all residents to live safe and healthy lives. She is committed to making sustainable choices that move away from fossil fuel reliance and uphold the right to dignified housing for every citizen. Mónica emphasizes the importance of investing wisely in vulnerable residents and fostering social cohesion through civic engagement, viewing these values as essential for democratic living and effective governance. As a feminist non-citizen immigrant, she considers it a great honor and responsibility to participate in the democratic process and serve her neighbors and the city at large. Mónica is dedicated to ensuring that every voice in the community is heard. Mónica’s voice is essential for Commission work and uplifting neighbors. She is the right choice in this competitive race.

Zahid Rathore, ANC 5B07 (he/him)

Website: www.zforanc.com

Facebook: @Zahid Rathore for ANC 5B07

Donate: https://venmo.com/u/zfor5b07

Zahid is driven by the belief that government should work well and equitably for its residents. Zahid has lived in Washington, DC for 22 years, and as a parent of two children attending John Burroughs Elementary School, he is deeply invested in his community. An advocate for a safe and vibrant community, he has dedicated his career to bridging the healthcare divide through technology, and he aims to bring this expertise to address local issues. Zahid’s primary goals include creating safer roads, increasing affordable housing, eliminating commercial blight, and enhancing the tree canopy. I’m excited for Zahid to bring his skills as a technocrat to DC government, where we know they’re needed. He will bring knowledge and compassion to local government and is the right choice in this competitive race.

Charquinta McCray, ANC 5D06 (she/her)

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/charfor5d06

Twitter/Instagram: @CharFor5D06

Facebook: @Char For 5D06

NextDoor: Charquinta (Char) McCray

Char shows up and puts in the work, leading with kindness and collaborating across Commissions and supporting fellow candidates. With a fervent commitment to public service, she combines her passion for transformative policy solutions with advocacy for marginalized communities. Dedicated to housing justice, Char will fight for all residents to have access to safe, affordable homes, while also prioritizing education, traffic safety, and accessibility. Her strong judgment and lived experience will enable her to make informed decisions while effectively connecting with residents and incorporating their feedback as she addresses local issues. As the next Commissioner, Char will lead with compassion, focusing on meeting basic needs and fostering an inclusive community. Char’s kindness and ability to work collaboratively make her the clear choice in this race against a problematic incumbent.

Emma Treat, ANC 4D07 (she/her)

Twitter: @emmatreatanc4d07

Donate: venmo.com/u/Emma-Treat

Emma has a demonstrated commitment to housing as a right, and she understands how to work toward that goal. Emma is a strong advocate for increasing housing and affordability, focusing on creating deeply affordable housing and implementing mixed-use zoning along major streets. She is committed to re-allocating unused, vacant, and blighted buildings and lots for housing and other pro-social purposes. During her candidacy, Emma has been active on pedestrian safety and infrastructure issues, as well as community safety. With her proactive approach and dedication to fostering a vibrant community, she is ready to make a significant impact in enhancing government services and responsiveness for all residents. She is active, engaged, and compassionate — Emma is the right choice in this competitive race.

Jenn Kauffman, ANC 4D08 (she/her)

Website: jennkauffman.com

Twitter: @jenn4D08

Donate: https://www.jennkauffman.com/donate

Jenn is dedicated to making local governance more accessible for constituents, believing that bringing the town square directly to the people leads to a more representative democracy. As a Latina and disabled first-time candidate, she is passionate about ensuring diverse options for affordable housing and quality schools for all. Jenn supports community-based solutions to address community safety and is committed to improving the responsiveness of public services, including 911, to ensure they are there for residents when we need them. With her fresh perspective and deep commitment to inclusivity, Jenn is ready to advocate for a community where every voice is valued. I can’t wait to see her serve!

Nancy Groth, ANC 2C02 (she/her)

Website: Groth2C02.com (coming soon)

Nancy embodies the spirit of community and resilience. A dedicated listener and consensus-builder, she knows that uplifting all our neighbors strengthens our communities. With a deep commitment to facilitating neighborhood input on the Green Court Men’s Shelter, Nancy prioritizes the safety of the men who will benefit from this essential resource. Her advocacy for services for those in need is vital, especially in a landscape where such efforts often face resistance. As a lifelong resident of Ward 2 and a wheelchair user, Nancy brings invaluable insights into transportation and traffic safety issues that are often overlooked. Inspired by her grown sons, she is dedicated to creating a more inclusive environment for all. With her extensive experience and passion for social justice, Nancy is ready to make a meaningful impact in her neighborhood. I’m grateful to have gotten to know Nancy this election cycle, and I can’t wait to see her serve!

Howard Garrett, ANC 2G01 (he/him)

Twitter/Instagram: @Hgarrett4dc

Donate: https://shorturl.at/58teu

Howard is a highly motivated and hard-working advocate who puts in the work for affordable, accessible housing, believing that everyone deserves a place to call home. Howard is committed to ensuring that infrastructure truly serves our community, with better transportation and improved public services so that no one is overlooked. His extensive experience in public service, from working in housing to mentoring with Best Kids, has equipped him with valuable insights into equity and opportunity. Recently elected president of the Capital Stonewall Democrats, Howard has served in various leadership roles within the Democratic Party. Howard is ready to serve, and he will be a steadfast advocate for neighbors. Howard’s dedication to an inclusive neighborhood that uplifts all neighbors makes him the right choice in this competitive race.

J. Swiderski, ANC 1B03 (he/they)

Website: https://swiderskiji.nfshost.com/

Twitter: @JS_1B03; @swiderskiji

Bluesky: @swiderski.bsky.social

Mastodon: https://transportation.social/@swiderski

Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/j-swiderski?refcode=ep

J. is eager to collaborate with fellow Commissioners, the DC Council, and community members to help make the neighborhood a welcoming place for all. J. supports the expansion of housing opportunities to make the neighborhood more accessible and continually advocates for improved transportation options, including better bus service, wider sidewalks, and more connected bike lanes, ensuring that our city serves everyone. Additionally, J. will push DC agencies for more responsive services, focusing on essential issues like trash pickup, rat control, and sidewalk maintenance, to create a cleaner and safer community. With an eye for detail, deep understanding of the role and work of Commissions, and dedication to an inclusive community, J. is the right choice for Commissioner in this three-way competitive race that includes a very problematic incumbent.

And while I haven’t had the chance to engage with them in more detail, I recommend checking out candidates Gracemary Allen, ANC 3A02 and Claire McCafferty, ANC 3A04, both of whom bring important perspectives to Commission work as students and renters. You can read more about them in their Greater Greater Washington endorsements. Their voices will be valuable additions. Finally, while I am not endorsing in my home Commission (Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4B), I encourage checking out Slobodon Milic, ANC 4B01, who has actively and positively engaged with the Commission over years.

Current Elected Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners

I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to recognize some of the great Commissioners continuing their public service (particularly in the face of little-to-no centralized support for the work of Commissions). While I could name more, I wanted to highlight those with whom I have collaborated and who have brought and will continue to bring dedication, compassion, and a deep desire to improve our communities, including Cheryl Moore, ANC 8C05; Kelly Mikel Williams, ANC 8E03; Travis Swanson, ANC 7B03; Anthony Lorenzo Green, ANC 7C04; Marc Friend, ANC 7D06; Ashley Renee Ruff*, ANC 7F02; Brian Strege, ANC 6/8F03; Amber Gove*, ANC 6A04; Edward Ryder, ANC 6B08; Mark Eckenwiler, ANC 6C04; Tony Goodman, ANC 6C07; Edward Borrego, ANC 5B01; Nandini Sen*, ANC 5B02; Ra Amin, ANC 5B04; Prita Piekara, ANC 5B06; Darlene Oliver, ANC 5C05; VJ Kapur, ANC 5C07; Sebrena Rhodes, ANC 5D02; Anna Roblin*, ANC 5D03; Salvador Sauceda-Guzman, ANC 5D05; Huma Imtiaz*, ANC 5E04; Aru Sahni, ANC 5F02; Brittany Kademian*, ANC 4C05; Stephen Marencic, ANC 4D05; Thaddeus Bradley-Lewis, ANC 3A01; Adam Prinzo, ANC 3C02; Janell Pagats*, ANC 3C03; Chuck Elkins, ANC 3D01; Quentin Colón Roosevelt, ANC 3D03; Tom Quinn, ANC 3E04; Trupti Patel, ANC 2A03; Jeff Rueckgauer, ANC 2B02; Vincent Slatt, ANC 2B03; Zach Adams, ANC 2B08; Christopher Davis, ANC 2B09; Kishan Putta, ANC 2E01; Topher Mathews, ANC 2E02; Dieter Lehmann Morales, ANC 1A02; Jeremy Sherman, ANC 1A04; Mukta Ghorpadey*, ANC 1A07; Miguel Trindade Deramo, ANC 1B06; Matt Holden, ANC 1B07; Sabel Harris*, 1B08; Peter Wood, ANC 1C03; Joe Van Wye, ANC 1C04; Lynda Laughlin*, ANC 1C06; Erika Nuñez*, ANC 1D03; Angela Allison*, ANC 1D06; Gary Decker, ANC 1D07; Josh Jacobson, ANC 1E06; and Brian Footer, ANC 1E07. *These Commissioners get an extra hug from me for their work in support of women and nonbinary Commissioners.

I hope you will engage with, amplify, and support these amazing candidates, as well as vote for democracy reforms in our local DC elections. I’m deeply thankful these candidates are willing to take the leap and run for local elected office, and I can’t wait to see what they achieve in support of our communities.

With gratitude,

Whether it’s community cleanups, donation drives, resource fairs, gathering neighbors, or supporting each other and our communities, our local candidates get it done!

Voting Dates

  • Same-day voter registration is available in the District of Columbia. You can register to vote and cast your ballot at any Early Vote Center or Election Day Vote Center. For same-day registration, you must provide proof of residence.
  • October 11 — November 5, 2024: Ballot drop boxes are open (you can drop your mail-in ballot by USPS or at any one of 55 drop boxes across DC)
  • October 28 — November 3, 2024: Early voting (you can vote at any of 25 Early Vote Centers)
  • November 5, 2024: General Election Day (you can vote at any of 75 Election Day Vote Centers)

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Erin Palmer
Erin Palmer

Written by Erin Palmer

Candidate for DC Council Chairwoman

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